Darren - Adopted
/Darren - 11 Week old, Male, Lab/Great Dane Mix.
Darren is a well socialized, fun loving puppy. His mom was a Lab/Great Dane Mix but we have no information regarding daddy. At 11 weeks old, he is weight approximately 20 pounds.
Darren - 11 Week old, Male, Lab/Great Dane Mix.
Darren is a well socialized, fun loving puppy. His mom was a Lab/Great Dane Mix but we have no information regarding daddy. At 11 weeks old, he is weight approximately 20 pounds.
Meet Rhett! A spunky little male chihuahua ready to leave the nest and explore the world! At 11 weeks old, Rhett is a tan color with a smooth coat. Both his parents are small, weighing approximately 5 pounds, so he will probably be small as well. He is a friendly little guy—all puppy! He loves to play with his siblings. He often steals the ball from his sister and plays ‘catch me if you can’ with her!
He gets along with cats and other dogs in the house. This playful and perky sweet boy will capture your heart immediately the moment you meet him. His spunky demeanor, perky prance and friendly outgoing mellow personality will impress. Rhett is a gorgeous little guy with loads of fun personality. He loves playing with his toys (and sister’s toys); balls, plushies, chew toys, and the occasional unattended sock! Due to his small size and delicate bone structure he would do best with older children.
Meet Scarlett! An adorable female chihuahua puppy ready for her next adventure and forever home! Scarlett, 11 weeks old, is a friendly and cuddly little black and tan girl. Both her parents are small, weighing approximately 5 pounds, so she will probably be small as well. This playful and affectionate little girl is going to make a great little companion for the whole family.
Scarlett is a little fun playmate and snuggle bunny. She has a loving and sweet personality and plays well with her siblings. She gets along great with cats too! She loves to play with her toys;
loves balls, plushies, chew toys, and leaves! She will steal your heart and attach herself to you. Due to her small size and delicate bone structure she would do best with older children.
Meet our newest rescue, Nugget, a 4 month old male Cocker Spaniel.
He is not good at all with children under the age of 16.
He is pretty good on his leash and is close to being house trained but will have a few accidents if you deviate from his schedule.
He will not be able to go home for 4 weeks but we will accept applications
Baby - 5 month old female poodle. Due to a birth defect she had to have an eye removed but the remaining eye is perfectly healthy.
Mika - 10 week old female Shih Tzu. Not available until after 1/18/2020
Colton - 11 week old Hound/Boxer/Lab/Beagle Male Puppy - They are fun loving, active, love water, adorable puppy. Will be ready to go home September 21st. When grown, we believe they will be about 50 lbs.
Stanley -11 week old Hound/Boxer/Lab/Beagle Male Puppy - They are fun loving, active, love water, adorable puppy. Will be ready to go home September 21st. When grown, we believe they will be about 50 lbs.
email: admin@hoperescues.com
Hope Rescues | P.O. Box 397 Godfrey, IL 62035 | email: admin@hoperescues.com
Website compliments of Galanti Law Office
Created by Jim Harper Creative