Elwood - Adoption Pending
/Elwood is a 6 year old Bagle (Basset/Beagle mix) male. He does well with other dogs and cats. Likes to just sniff the yard and lounge in the home. Easy dog to care for and sweet as can be.
Elwood is a 6 year old Bagle (Basset/Beagle mix) male. He does well with other dogs and cats. Likes to just sniff the yard and lounge in the home. Easy dog to care for and sweet as can be.
Hayes - 5 year old American Eskimoo male. Hayes weighs 21 lbs. I love this dog! He is perfectly house trained, NEVER has an accident. He does okay with other dogs as long as they are not crazy hyper in your face dogs. Hayes has one flaw and one flaw only and that is he is timid with hand motions. This only last for a short time but he absolutely cannot go home with any children at all! he would do best in a home with structure and routine's as he has a little OCD himself. Likes his bed kept neat, his fur kept clean and his food tidy in his bowl. lol
He is very affectionate with his humans...But again terrified of hand movements and quick approaching things like kids.
Porkchop - 10 month old Lab mix male. Big boy who loves other dogs, and all people...Very handsome and very friendly.
Meet our newest rescue, Bruno. he is between 6 and 8 mos old and is most likely a Cockapoo,Cavapoo or Havapoo. He is house trained, likes to play fetch and will bring it back too. He hates a crate and would prefer a home where a crate is not used...
He is very friendly and loving.
Hey everyone meet Won Ton....Saved from animal control today, he is a 1.5 year old Beagle male. He is good with other dogs and very sweet in nature.
6 mos old Heeler mix male. Very friendly
Finley - 3 year old Beagle/Shepherd mix male. House trained, friendly with other dogs and very good with people. He is only 28 lbs.
Noodles Black Lab Mix Male, 40lbs, 2-3 years. Friendly with other dogs, house trained and super cute
Butters - Chocolate Hound/Lab Mix Male, 51lbs, 1-2 years. Friendly with other dogs and likes all people.
Stewart - 1 year old Greyhound or Whippet/Lab mix male. Super friendly with other animals and loves all people.
Ollie - 1 year old Bassadore (Basset Hound/Lab mix) male. Great with other dogs and all people. Needs 6' fence.
Meet Willy Wonka our newest rescued Beagle. He is approximately 4 years old. Very cuddly and friendly. He plays well with other dogs and likes all people.
He was saved from the streets of Alton with flea dermatitis so he is being treated and is healing now that he is flea free.
Doc -Aussie/Border Collie mix male puppy - born 6-28-18. Active, Fun-loving, social with all people and other dogs.
Rubble - (1 of 4 puppies from the Paw Patrol) 4 month old American Staffordshire Terrier male. SUPER friendly puppy with people of all ages and other dogs.
Teddy, a 7 month old Belgian Tervuren Shepherd.
He was confiscated by Alton Animal Control from someone who had no business having him.
He is friendly, happy go lucky boy who deserves a great home with someone who knows how to properly care for such a dog.
Penn - 4 year old Chihuahua mix male. VERY sweet and good natured dog. gets along good with other dogs and likes everyone he has met so far.
Hamilton - Hammy for short is an 8 month old American Bulldog male. He is very sweet and a little goofy all in one. He is smart and learns quickly. Does well with other dogs.
Jiminy Cricket is a 4 month old male Heeler/Lab mix. He is friendly, playful and quite adorable. If you would like to adopt him, please complete an on-line adoption application. Hurry, this sweet boy will be adopted very quickly
Teller is a 4 month old Cattle dog mix. He is friendly, playful and quite adorable. If you would like to adopt him, please complete an on-line adoption application. Hurry, this little guy will be adopted very quickly
Gizmo - DOB -1/16/2017 - Bull Terrier Mix Male - Friendly, Energetic but is dominating with other dogs. We do not have cats so we are unable to test him with them. So a home without other pets would be best. He is a fun dog and would make a wonderful fur kid for most active families.
Gizmo's Sponsor is Lisa Finn Woulfe
email: admin@hoperescues.com
Hope Rescues | P.O. Box 397 Godfrey, IL 62035 | email: admin@hoperescues.com
Website compliments of Galanti Law Office
Created by Jim Harper Creative