Kemba - Adopted
Kemba - 1.5 yr old female puggle. She is very sweet, does great with other dogs, loves to play and seems to be house trained too. She will be a wonderful addition to any family.
Kemba - 1.5 yr old female puggle. She is very sweet, does great with other dogs, loves to play and seems to be house trained too. She will be a wonderful addition to any family.
Star - 3 year old Basset Mix. Her family took her to Animal Control when the fee to have a growth taken off her tail was too much money. She is an amazing girl, very well mannered, does well with other dogs though she is not real active, sweet, quiet and seems to be house trained too.
Mastiff puppy 15 weeks old.
Darcey is a 2 year old Brittany Spaniel who is overly friendly and very social. She is in doggie daycare and is good with other dogs. She is house trained too.
Thelma is 8 years young female. She is a beagle, though we think that she may be mixed with dachshund or basset as her head is small compared to her body. She is very sweet and loving.. loves to be held, does really well with other dogs. A perfect family pet
Bella - 3 year old female Dogue de Bordeaux . NOT good with other animals. has to be only dog. Need an owner who knows this breed. She is bull headed and strong as an ox
Blossom - 4 month old female Boxer/Pit mix who is very friendly and playful.
Would make a great little pal for a family looking for a second dog.
Anna is a 4 year old Terrier mix female or Golden Doodle we are not sure.
She likes other dogs though she is bossy, She is shy around new people so it would be best for a home with no small children and she loves water so she would like a home with at least a kiddie pool.
Malu is a beautiful 4 year old Blue Pitt Mix. She was left behind when her family moved and came in malnourished, hairless and covered in skin sores from lack of care. She is a very pretty and healthy girl now and she LOVES people, LOVES them all. But due to lack of socialization as a puppy she does not do well with other dogs or cats. She would love to have all the attention she can get, belly rubs, walks, car rides, you name it as long as she is with her person she is happy.
Malu's Sponsor is Holly Robeen
Gemma - is a very small 3 year old female Pitt Mix. She weighs approximately 28-30 lbs. She is very sweet to people, loves to play, walks very well on a leash but needs a home with no other dogs or cats.
Honey - 3 year old female Pitt Mix - Very friendly to everyone of all ages. Good with other dogs. She came to us very pregnant but all of her puppies have been adopted.. Now it is Honey's turn.
Indy - 5 mos old female Beagle Mix. Just a love of a dog. Ready to live life to the fullest. Likes other dogs, cats and children
Laney - 5 mos old female Beagle. Sweet as pie. Likes other dogs, kids and just everyone!
Meet our newest rescue, Sadie Mae. She is a 3 1/2 year old Wire Haired Jack Russell female.
She is active, loving and good with other animals and children.
She is in bed by 9pm and up ready to face the day at 6:30am.
She enjoys chasing birds in the yard and cleaning up dropped food from the floor.
She is available for adoption now.
Dutchess - 1 year old female Lab mix. VERY sweet and friendly. Does well with other dogs and a very pretty and fun girl.
Peggy Sue is a 7 year old Beagle who had a tumor above her eye that we have taken care of. Not cancerous just a fatty type tumor.
Peggy Sue has never ever actually lived ina home before as she was used for hunting and discarded when she was no longer needed.
She is great with other dogs and loves all people. VERY sweet dog.
Betsy the Beagle is 3 years old and has never lived in an actual house before. She was used for hunting and dumped when she did not do a good job.
She loves other dogs and loves people. NOT a mean bone in her little body.
She is shy but oh so sweet. For sure in the right home this girl will make the perfect little friend.
Meet one of our newest puppies Mango (Fawn)
She was born 11-16 and is available for adoption now. We think they are Shar Pei mix but with those ears we are also thinking there could be some Shepherd in there. We estimate that they will be about 50 lbs when full grown
She is VERY sweet, playful and loving.
Hope Rescues | P.O. Box 397 Godfrey, IL 62035 | email:
Website compliments of Galanti Law Office
Created by Jim Harper Creative