Berry - Adoption Pending



Meet one of our newest puppies Berry (black & tan)
She was born 11-16-2017 and is available for adoption now. We think they are Shar Pei mix but we are also thinking there could be some Shepherd in there. We estimate that they will be about 50 lbs when full grown
She is VERY sweet, playful and loving.


Holly is a plump and very sweet Shepherd mix girl who will be turning 7 very soon, She was rescued from animal control very pregnant. Within 24 hours of being rescued, Holly gave birth to 6 beautiful puppies, all of which who have been adopted. Now it is Holly’s turn to have a forever home. She has no known health ailments, is friendly to other dogs and will even play a little or she is just as happy relaxing, watching TV with you and getting an occasional belly rub. She is quiet, well-mannered, walks very well on a leash and loves to play fetch with a ball. Her birthday is coming up on 2/2, lets help her get the best Birthday gift ever – a loving home.. If you would be interested in meeting Holly and possibly adopting her, please go to our website at and complete an adoption application. You won’t be sorry.. She is a volunteer favorite !!